Friday, 17 July 2015


India is a land of mysticism and spirituality. We follow a lot of age old traditions without giving it much thought but the underlying essence of each of these has an abundance of meaning.

WATER - One of the five elements of nature, which sustains and nourishes all life on earth. But, what are the other qualities of water ? Is there anything miraculous in water ?

Well, water has been used in all rituals from the Vedic period till date. Our ancient sages and rishis always carried a Kamandalam (Water Pitcher) with them and they could perform miracles with the water from the Kamandalam. The Kamandalam water was also used by Gods to curse the wrong doers and bless their devotees by sprinkling water on them.

Rishi with Kamandalam

This is very interesting because some scientists have claimed that water has memory. French scientist Jacques Benveniste claimed that "memory" of water could be digitized, transmitted, and reinserted into another sample of water, which would then contain the same active qualities as the first sample.

Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher claimed that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Emoto's work explored his belief that water could react to positive thoughts and words, and that polluted water could be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization.

Dr.Emoto's study

It is believed that water given as Theertham (holy water) in temples has a positive effect on the body.This water is energised by the chanting of mantras and hymns.I have already written about this in the post on "Tulasi". In many temples,we come across natural springs (Theertham) and stories about how they were created by great Sages and Gods.The water in these springs have unique qualities and are even used to cure various ailments.

An ancient tradition of holy men performing Arghya at sunrise is a common sight in many river banks till date.Arghya is offering water powered by Gayatri Mantra to the sun.This is very similar to the research done on the effect of  thoughts on water and shows us that our ancestors believed that water can be powered by the chanting of mantras.


According to Mythology, demons called Mandehas who lived on an Island called Arunam prayed to Lord Brahma and got a boon to fight with Surya and stop him from rising.Therefore, Brahma gave the concept of Arghya to energize to the sun. The water powered with the Gayatri becomes a weapon and fights with the demons that try to stop the Sun from rising.

On the technological front, it looks like Water Droplets have a huge role to play in the future of computers. Manu Prakash, an assistant professor of bioengineering at Stanford, and his students have developed a synchronous computer that operates using the unique physics of moving "Water Droplets". They are  working on  building a new class of computers that can precisely control and manipulate physical matter.

Well, whatever the properties of water are, be it in science or pseudoscience, it doesn't hurt to stay positive always , especially when drinking water ;)

Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come.

— Chinese Proverb
